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English Course created by FdT

  1. #221


    Quote Originariamente inviata da °Luna° Visualizza il messaggio
    Why I know to translate an english phrase, but don't I write it? What I can doing to write a good english?

    Dagli errori che ho fatto vi accorgerete che faccio abbastanza schifo, quindi help me please

    Why am I able to translate an english sentence while I can't write it?
    What can I do to write a good english?

  2. #222
    Alias Joy Turner Bonnie Tyler
    Donna 35 anni
    Iscrizione: 22/2/2005
    Messaggi: 11,586
    Piaciuto: 3845 volte


    Che significa able?

    Mazza che frana che sono

  3. #223


    Quote Originariamente inviata da °Luna° Visualizza il messaggio
    Che significa able?

    Mazza che frana che sono
    è il verbo "to be able to"----> essere in grado di

    Da solo "able" vuol dire "abile, capace".

    Di solito viene utilizzato per sostituire CAN in determinate situazioni (per il futuro per esempio) ma se no puoi benissimo utilizzarlo come verbo normale.^^

  4. #224
    Sempre più FdT Haydée ~
    Donna 33 anni
    Iscrizione: 25/12/2006
    Messaggi: 3,255
    Piaciuto: 4 volte


    Quote Originariamente inviata da Anomalia. Visualizza il messaggio
    Sorry for asking, and sorry if by asking this I may seem rude, but.. for how long have you all been studying english?

    Ci metto anche la traduzione, vah, in ogni caso..

    Scusate se ve lo chiedo, ma da quanto caxxo di tempo state studiando l'inglese?
    For about 9 years, but I've got sooo much more to learn xD

  5. #225
    Utente cancellato


    i suppose i've been studying english all my life. that's why i never write the subject "i" in capital letters. maybe because i've improved it so much, that i feel capable of a linguistic revolution.

    let me now express my opinion about this topic. i think fdt users own a lot of free time to lose themselves in such a waste...

    i'm the first one to reveal that i can feel busy and useful just this way...

  6. #226
    Utente cancellato


    Quote Originariamente inviata da °Luna° Visualizza il messaggio
    Why I know to translate an english phrase, but don't I write it? What I can doing to write a good english?

    Dagli errori che ho fatto vi accorgerete che faccio abbastanza schifo, quindi help me please

    my moonie friend, i may seem rude to you. but that's not english. that's finnish.

  7. #227


    Quote Originariamente inviata da rhoda Visualizza il messaggio
    i suppose i've been studying english all my life. that's why i never write the subject "i" in capital letters. maybe because i've improved it so much, that i feel capable of a linguistic revolution.

    let me now express my opinion about this topic. i think fdt users own a lot of free time to lose themselves in such a waste...

    i'm the first one to reveal that i can feel busy and useful just this way...

  8. #228
    Little Spongy Folletta
    Donna 33 anni da Genova
    Iscrizione: 8/12/2007
    Messaggi: 14,178
    Piaciuto: 4028 volte


    i don't understand!XD

  9. #229
    Alias Joy Turner Bonnie Tyler
    Donna 35 anni
    Iscrizione: 22/2/2005
    Messaggi: 11,586
    Piaciuto: 3845 volte


    Quote Originariamente inviata da rhoda Visualizza il messaggio
    my moonie friend, i may seem rude to you. but that's not english. that's finnish.
    lo so

  10. #230
    Donna 34 anni da Forlì-Cesena
    Iscrizione: 25/12/2006
    Messaggi: 1,932
    Piaciuto: 69 volte


    Quote Originariamente inviata da Rosemary Visualizza il messaggio
    I've been studyin' it for about 14 years....
    And I think that you sentence might be considered rude just because of the fact that this topic has been created to make people improve their grammar and their vocabulary, nothing less nothing more
    I just might be considered rude, you're right, but I'm still amazed by the simple fact that people "study" English for more than 5-6 years and aren't in grade of composing a simple phrase expressing a thought slightly more complex than just "oh, hi, my name is Pinko Pallino and I'm 65 years old".

    I've been studying English since I was 4, and the main advantage I had was watching movies in English, followed by subtitles. I learned it PERFECTLY, although it's not my mother tongue.

    It's just sad seeing that people get the opportunity to learn English without paying sh°t, and that even though, they just don't give a f°ck. Further more, the worst thing I despise is the fact that you hear all around that people DO speak English, hell yeah - they've been studying it for god damn 7 years; you ask them a question and they're not able to respond to you.

    That's all.

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