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English Course created by FdT

  1. #331
    Moderatrice Holly
    Donna 35 anni
    Iscrizione: 1/4/2006
    Messaggi: 35,150
    Piaciuto: 10123 volte


    Quote Originariamente inviata da Rosemary Visualizza il messaggio
    No, it doesn't!
    Yes, it does.
    I am one pippa

    Io non scherzo, non faccio inglese dalle superiori, l'unica cosa che faccio è guardare Grey's Anatomy in lingua originale

    Difficile dire se il mondo in cui viviamo sia una realtà o un sogno.

  2. #332
    Overdose da FdT Fiona
    Donna 36 anni
    Iscrizione: 12/1/2011
    Messaggi: 8,589
    Piaciuto: 2979 volte


    Quote Originariamente inviata da Holly Visualizza il messaggio
    Yes, it does.
    I am A pippa

    Io non scherzo, non faccio inglese dalle superiori, l'unica cosa che faccio è guardare Grey's Anatomy in lingua originale
    Scusa, mi viene automatico!

    However, I always say that reading books in a foreign language and watching Tv shows/series in the original language is one of the best ways to learn something!
    For example, if you study English only at school -let's say high school, more likely- when you get in touch with native speakers you soon notice how many phrasal verbs they use, how they really pronounce words and how many words you don't know at all. Tv can help you to fill this huge lack of knowledge.

  3. #333
    Moderatrice Holly
    Donna 35 anni
    Iscrizione: 1/4/2006
    Messaggi: 35,150
    Piaciuto: 10123 volte


    Quote Originariamente inviata da Rosemary Visualizza il messaggio
    Scusa, mi viene automatico!

    However, I always say that reading books in a foreign language and watching Tv shows/series in the original language is one of the best ways to learn something!
    For example, if you study English only at school -let's say high school, more likely- when you get in touch with native speakers you soon notice how many phrasal verbs they use, how they really pronounce words and how many words you don't know at all. Tv can help you to fill this huge lack of knowledge.
    Rose, it was maccheron by proposit

    (anche quello che ho appena scritto )

    Yes, it is, but I can't remember grammar in that way XD
    Difficile dire se il mondo in cui viviamo sia una realtà o un sogno.

  4. #334
    Overdose da FdT Fiona
    Donna 36 anni
    Iscrizione: 12/1/2011
    Messaggi: 8,589
    Piaciuto: 2979 volte



    Well, I think it depends on the Tv shows you watch; take for istance The Big Bang Theory: you can find few slang elements in that series; on the contrary in a lot of American reality shows such as Jersey Shore, Sense of Beauty, Hard Times etc you can make a long string of new words day by day and you can also understand how they create sentences! -They don't use a perfect grammar and you'll soon find it out-

  5. #335
    Scrivano Lucien
    Uomo 40 anni da Imperia
    Iscrizione: 10/10/2008
    Messaggi: 2,441
    Piaciuto: 655 volte


    Quote Originariamente inviata da Holly Visualizza il messaggio
    I am a pippa
    In English, we call it a sissy. But you aren't, as you recognize your need to improve your skills. Carry on with Gray's Anatomy. Personally, I keep on training logging into an English forum. I may have trouble speaking, but at least my written English doesn't rust.

  6. #336
    Overdose da FdT Fiona
    Donna 36 anni
    Iscrizione: 12/1/2011
    Messaggi: 8,589
    Piaciuto: 2979 volte


    I think the expression 'to be a washout at' fit in better, since sissy is more likely to mean 'femminuccia'.
    (You abandoned the French thread, Lucien, I am offended. )

  7. #337
    tossico quasi assuefatto Alprazolam
    Uomo 114 anni
    Iscrizione: 4/9/2009
    Messaggi: 581
    Piaciuto: 95 volte


    i don't like the drugs but the drugs likes me!

  8. #338
    Scrivano Lucien
    Uomo 40 anni da Imperia
    Iscrizione: 10/10/2008
    Messaggi: 2,441
    Piaciuto: 655 volte


    Quote Originariamente inviata da Rosemary Visualizza il messaggio
    I think the expression 'to be a washout at' fit in better, since sissy is more likely to mean 'femminuccia'.
    (You abandoned the French thread, Lucien, I am offended. )
    I didn't want to say her that she's a mezza sega; femminuccia sounded nicer

    Concerning the French thread, just give me something to talk about

    Quote Originariamente inviata da Alprazolam Visualizza il messaggio
    i don't like the drugs but the drugs likes me!
    Being a generic entity, you don't need an article before "drugs"; it sounds better this way: "I don't like drugs but drugs like me"
    A Fiona piace questo intervento

  9. #339
    Little Spongy Folletta
    Donna 33 anni da Genova
    Iscrizione: 8/12/2007
    Messaggi: 14,178
    Piaciuto: 4028 volte


    Cazz*. I really don't remenber nothing {or anything?}
    A Fiona piace questo intervento

  10. #340
    Overdose da FdT Fiona
    Donna 36 anni
    Iscrizione: 12/1/2011
    Messaggi: 8,589
    Piaciuto: 2979 volte


    Quote Originariamente inviata da Lucien Visualizza il messaggio
    I didn't want to say TO her that she's a mezza sega; femminuccia sounded nicer

    Concerning the French thread, just give me something to talk about

    Being a generic entity, you don't need an article before "drugs"; it sounds better this way: "I don't like drugs but drugs like me"
    Tell us about French people, for example, I don't know.
    (Alprazolam, take away from the sentence the final S, 'cause it's not a singular.)

    Quote Originariamente inviata da Folletta Visualizza il messaggio
    Cazz*. I really don't remenber nothing {or anything?}
    I really don't remeMber anything.^^

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