Oh my God.. I don't remember anything.. I would like speak english ("come te, Rose" non ho la più pallida idea di come si dica )
Oh my God.. I don't remember anything.. I would like speak english ("come te, Rose" non ho la più pallida idea di come si dica )
what is this i dont even
You are very nice!
Thank u so much!
Ehm, hello?
Is there anybody?
This topic has an horrible title XD
And I've forgotten this language.
@Rosemary will read this. Maybe she'll become violent. And she will hurt me
So, I don't remember anything
Love me do, you know, I love you, I'll always be true, so please, love me do
---------- Messaggio aggiunto alle 23:32 ----------
Difficile dire se il mondo in cui viviamo sia una realtà o un sogno.
I'm not a violent person. (Let's pretend! No, I'm kidding. )
So, why don't you tell me something? I'm sure you remember almost all about this language!
I don't think so!
I'm able to understand almost everything I'm reading, but it's very difficult for me writing or speaking. But I can read it very well XD
But I know latin
We could open a topic for latin. Let's speak latin! Yeah!
I studied english at the high school, so, I don't remember grammar, I don't remember anything! XD
I should learn french XD
Difficile dire se il mondo in cui viviamo sia una realtà o un sogno.