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Bocciato o no?

  1. #11
    Vivo su FdT Loller156
    Uomo 34 anni da Lecco
    Iscrizione: 13/8/2007
    Messaggi: 4,944
    Piaciuto: 1612 volte


    Il mio inglese in 1 media era privo degli errori grammaticali che hai scritto te..
    se sei al present continuous, la grammatica dovresti saperla..almeno quella di base..

  2. #12
    Matricola FdT
    Uomo 29 anni
    Iscrizione: 27/4/2012
    Messaggi: 5
    Piaciuto: 0 volte


    k k grazzie per le risposte . anche se la tema non era su il mio inglese quindi se a 3 materie con insuficienza voto 5 non passo, ma a 2 materie con voto 5 passo o no?

  3. #13
    Monkey slut! RedBullGaveMeWings
    Uomo 32 anni da Salerno
    Iscrizione: 21/8/2008
    Messaggi: 2,015
    Piaciuto: 138 volte


    Ok, I'll try to be as clear as possible but I do hope you are not on here just to troll around.

    Yes, your english is very bad and you do have to improve it if you want to not have further problems in your future at school.
    You did not say what school you are attending, because drawing can be a very important subject or just a... "complementary" subject. It highly depends on the school you attend.

    You are quite good at science subjects and that's can be a plus for you, but keep trying to improve your 5 in math.

    Italian is not a big problem at all if we bear in mind that you are not italian.

    With these current situation, you're not risking to be rejected for next class, but your assessment will be suspended and you will have to attend summer courses and sit a number of exams - depending on how many subjects you will not initially pass.

    At this stage, you're going to sit mandatory exams in summer in drawing and italian.

    Spero che non sia un troll...

  4. #14
    Monkey slut! RedBullGaveMeWings
    Uomo 32 anni da Salerno
    Iscrizione: 21/8/2008
    Messaggi: 2,015
    Piaciuto: 138 volte


    Oh, just an important thing: keep improving your italian. Romanian is very similar to italian and I have a class mate from Romania but she can speak italian better than me now. You just have to work.

  5. #15
    Matricola FdT
    Uomo 29 anni
    Iscrizione: 27/4/2012
    Messaggi: 5
    Piaciuto: 0 volte


    Why u all keep saying that im here to troll? K i get it my enghlish is bad and im not here to troll k , thx for the answer jim that was exactly what i was looking for becouse a friend of mine told me that i wont have any exams in summer if i have "insuficienza a 3 materie" summer exams dont sound soo bad since i know i will not pass for sure at disegnio and italian.

  6. #16
    Monkey slut! RedBullGaveMeWings
    Uomo 32 anni da Salerno
    Iscrizione: 21/8/2008
    Messaggi: 2,015
    Piaciuto: 138 volte


    3 unsatisfactory is the maximum, but some schools may be more flexible. Marks should not be below 4, but two years ago I had 3 in math and 4 in informatic. I passed though.

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