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Green day - american idiot

  1. #1
    Matricola FdT
    Iscrizione: 29/9/2004
    Messaggi: 38
    Piaciuto: 0 volte

    Predefinito Green day - american idiot

    Don't wanna be an American idiot.
    Don't want a nation that under the new media.
    And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
    The subliminal mindfuck America
    Welcome to a new kind of tension.
    All across the alien nation.
    Everything isn't meant to be okay.
    Television dreams of tomorrow.
    We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
    Convincing them to walk you.

    Well maybe I'm the fuckhead America.
    I'm not a part of a redneck agenda.
    Now everybody do the propaganda.
    And sing along in the age of paranoia.

    Welcome to a new kind of tension.
    All across the alien nation.
    Everything isn't meant to be okay.
    Television dreams of tomorrow.
    We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
    Convincing them to walk you.

    Don't wanna be an American idiot.
    Don't want a nation controlled by the media.
    Information nation of hysteria.
    It's going out to idiot America.

    Welcome to a new kind of tension.
    All across the alien nation.
    Everything isn't meant to be okay.
    Television dreams of tomorrow.
    We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
    Convincing them to walk you.

  2. #2
    Assuefatto da FdT
    Donna 37 anni
    Iscrizione: 1/10/2004
    Messaggi: 857
    Piaciuto: 2 volte


    I Greenday sono sempre i Greenday....

  3. #3
    FdT quasi assuefatto
    Donna 33 anni da Firenze
    Iscrizione: 29/9/2004
    Messaggi: 378
    Piaciuto: 0 volte


    Quote Originariamente inviata da Aftermath
    I Greenday sono sempre i Greenday....
    veriximo! 8)

  4. #4
    pietra miliare FDT.. maya
    Donna 41 anni da Piacenza
    Iscrizione: 29/9/2004
    Messaggi: 14,707
    Piaciuto: 420 volte


    a me piacciono green day, ma questo singolo non l'ho ancora sentito, però mi han detto che è brutto...boh

  5. #5
    Assuefatto da FdT
    35 anni
    Iscrizione: 30/9/2004
    Messaggi: 924
    Piaciuto: 1 volte

    Predefinito eminem - just lose it

    Guess who's back, back again
    Shady's back, tell a friend

    Now everyone report to the dance floor
    To the dance floor, to the dance floor
    Now everyone report to the dance floor
    Alright stop, pajama time

    [Verse 1]
    Come here little kiddies on my lap
    Guess who's back with a brand new rap
    And I don't mean rap as in a new case
    Of child investigates and accusates
    Ah ah ah ah ah, no worries
    Papa's got a brand new bag of toys
    What else could I possibly do to make noise?
    I've done touched on everything but little boys
    That's not a stab at Michael
    That's just a metaphor, I'm just psycho
    I go a little bit crazy sometimes
    I get a little bit out of control with my rhymes
    Good god, dip, do a little slide
    Bend down, touch your toes, and just glide
    To the center of the floor
    Like TP for my bung hole
    And it's cool if you let one go
    Nobody's gonna know, who'd hear it?
    Give a little "poot poot," it's ok
    Oops my CD just skipped
    And everyone just heard you let one rip

    Now I'm gonna make you dance
    It's your chance
    Yeah boy, shake that ass
    Whoops I mean girl, girl girl girl
    Girl you know you're my world
    Alright now lose it (ah ah ah ah ah)
    Just lose it (ah ah ah ah ah)
    Go crazy (ah ah ah ah ah)
    Oh baby (ah ah) oh baby (ah ah)

    [Verse 2]
    It's Friday and it's my day
    Ysed to party all the way to Sunday
    Maybe 'til Monday
    I don't know what day
    Everyday's just a holiday
    Cruisin' on the freeway, feelin' kind of breezy
    Let the top down and my hair blow
    I don't know where I'm goin'
    All I know is when I ger there someone's gonna (touch my body)
    Excuse me miss, I don't mean to sound like a jerk
    But I'm feelin' just a little stressed out from work
    Would you punch me in the stomach and pull my hair
    Spit on me, maybe gouge my eyes out (yeah)
    What's ya name girl, what's ya sign?
    (Man you must be up out yo mind)
    Dre (ah ah) beer goggles, blind
    I'm just tryin' to unwind (now I'm)

    Now I'm gonna make you dance
    It's your chance
    Yeah boy, shake that ass
    Whoops I mean girl, girl girl girl
    Girl you know you're my world
    Alright now lose it (ah ah ah ah ah)
    Just lose it (ah ah ah ah ah)
    Go crazy (ah ah ah ah ah)
    Oh baby (ah ah) oh baby (ah ah)

    [Verse 3]
    It's Tuesday and I'm locked up
    I'm in jail and I don't know what happened
    They say I was runnin' butt naked
    Down the street screamin' (ah ah ah ah)
    Well I'm sorry, I don't remember
    All I know is this much, I'm not guilty
    They said "Save it, boy we got you on tape
    Screamin' at an old lady" (touch my body)
    Now this is the part where the rap breaks down
    It's real intense, no one makes a sound
    Everything looks like it's "8 Mile" now
    The beat comes back and everybody lose themselves
    Now snap back to reality, look it's B. Rabbit
    Oh you signed me up to battle? I'm a grown man
    Tubba tubba tubba tubba tubba tubba tubba
    I don't have any lines to go right here so tubba
    Tellytubby fellas (what) fellas (what)
    Grab your left, make your right one jealous (what)
    Black girls, white girls, skinny girls, fat girls
    Tall girls, small girls, I'm callin' all girls
    Everyone report to the dance floor
    It's your chance for a little romance or butt squeezin'
    It's the season, just go (ah ah ah ah)
    It's so appeasin'

    Now I'm gonna make you dance
    It's your chance
    Yeah boy, shake that ass
    Whoops I mean girl, girl girl girl
    Girl you know you're my world
    Alright now lose it (ah ah ah ah ah)
    Just lose it (ah ah ah ah ah)
    Go crazy (ah ah ah ah ah)
    Oh baby (ah ah) oh baby (ah ah)

  6. #6
    FdT svezzato
    Donna 109 anni
    Iscrizione: 24/2/2006
    Messaggi: 209
    Piaciuto: 0 volte


    eccovi la trad:

    L'Americano Idiota

    Non voglio essere un idiota americano
    Non voglio una nazione controllata dai nuovi media
    E riesci a sentire il suono dell'isterismo?
    La subliminale America fottuta
    Benvenuto a un nuovo tipo di tensione
    Che attraversa tutta la nazione aliena
    tutto quanto non è fatto per andare bene
    Sogni televisivi di domani
    Non siamo quelli che devono seguire
    ed è abbastanza per discutere
    Beh, magari sono l'America omosessuale
    Non faccio parte del programma dei Redneck
    E adesso: facciamo la propaganda tutti insieme
    E cantiamo uniti nell'era della paranoia
    Non voglio essere un idiota americano
    una nazione controllata dai nuovi media
    Era dell'informazione dell'isterismo
    Questa la dedico all'Americano idiota

    W i green day!!!!

  7. #7
    Overdose da FdT
    Donna 118 anni
    Iscrizione: 19/9/2005
    Messaggi: 7,659
    Piaciuto: 1 volte


    Quote Originariamente inviata da Aftermath
    I Greenday sono sempre i Greenday....

  8. #8
    Matricola FdT
    Donna 32 anni da Catania
    Iscrizione: 18/2/2007
    Messaggi: 26
    Piaciuto: 0 volte


    I Greenday sono sempre i Greenday....
    eh si eh sono mitici!!! XD

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