Ada Lovelace is considered history's first programmer. She was the first to express an algorithm intended for implementation on a computer, Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine in October 1842.
Ada Byron, daughter of the famous poet Lord Byron, was broguht up by her mother to be a scientist and mathematician. Ada collaborated with Charles Babbage and wrote the world's first computer program in 1843. Babbage devised the plan for Analytical Engine in 1841, a forerunner of modern day computer. Ada's scientific paper anticipated the development and creative use of software (including the very term software) and the analytical machine to compose music, produce graphics, carry out personal and scientific tasks including artificial intelligence.British Government's rejection of Analytical Engine, many believe, put off the computer technology by 100 years. One has to wonder what if a Lord, instead of a Lady, wrote the paper!
On December 10, 1980, (Ada's birthday), the U.S. Defense Department approved the reference manual for its nex computer programming language, called "Ada".

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