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Che serà serà

  1. #1

    Predefinito Che serà serà

    Qualcuno ha il testo di Che serà serà di Doris Day?!?!?
    Vi ringrazio...

  2. #2
    FdT svezzato
    Donna 32 anni
    Iscrizione: 6/6/2006
    Messaggi: 157
    Piaciuto: 0 volte


    Doris Day - Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be)

    When I was just a little girl
    I asked my mother
    What will I be
    Will I be pretty
    Will I be rich
    Here's what she said to me

    Que sera, sera
    Whatever will be, will be
    The future's not ours to see
    Que sera, sera
    What will be, will be

    When I grew up and fell in love
    I asked my sweetheart
    What lies ahead
    Will we have rainbows
    Day after day
    Here's what my sweetheart said

    Que sera, sera
    Whatever will be, will be
    The future's not ours to see
    Que sera, sera
    What will be, will be

    Now I have Children of my own
    They ask their mother
    What will I be
    Will I be handsome
    Will I be rich
    I tell them tenderly

    Que sera, sera
    Whatever will be, will be
    The future's not ours to see
    Que sera, sera
    What will be, will be
    Que Sera, Sera

  3. #3


    Ti l'ho trovato anche, ma in alcune parti ha parole diverse...

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