Il Ciclone.
Non mi fa mettere il video. ç_ç @Artemysia
Il Ciclone.
Non mi fa mettere il video. ç_ç @Artemysia
-You do this everytime, EVERYTIME.
What, do you have some kind of radar? 'Carrie might be happy it's time to sweep in and shit all over it?'
-No, no, look, I came here to tell you something. I made a mistake... You and I....
-You and I NOTHING! You CANNOT do this to me again, you cannot jerk me around.
-Carrie, listen, it is different...
-Oh, it's never different; it's SIX years of never being different! But this is, I am done! Don't call me, ever again.
Ce ne sarebbero centinaia. Ora mi viene in mente questa:
<a href="">
Kim: Stringimi.
Edward: ...Non posso.
-Oh God... Oh GOD! Ok, look, this never happened. Do you understand me? Really?! Still can't talk to me?!
Little Miss Sunshine
(tutta la dolcezza in un film )
Difficile dire se il mondo in cui viviamo sia una realtà o un sogno.