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Mi serve un robot da cucina !!!

  1. #1
    Matricola FdT ilariuccia99
    Donna 25 anni
    Iscrizione: 5/5/2013
    Messaggi: 3
    Piaciuto: 2 volte

    Predefinito Mi serve un robot da cucina !!!

    Qualcuno di voi vuole vendere un robot da cucina Bravosimac FP 630

  2. #2
    Utente cancellato


    She’s a small wonder,
    lovely and bright with soft curls.
    She’s a small wonder,
    a child unlike other girls.
    She’s a miracle, and I grant you,
    She’ll enchant you at your sight,
    She’s a small wonder,
    and she’ll make your heart beat twice.
    She’s fantastic, made of plastic,
    Microchips here and there.
    She’s a small wonder,
    brings love and laughter everywhere.

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