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The Rolling Stones - She's a rainbow

  1. #1
    Rum e Cocaina Sally
    Donna 40 anni da Carbonia-Iglesias
    Iscrizione: 29/9/2004
    Messaggi: 21,047
    Piaciuto: 91 volte

    Predefinito The Rolling Stones - She's a rainbow

    She comes in colors ev'rywhere;
    She combs her hair
    She's like a rainbow
    Coming, colors in the air
    Oh, everywhere
    She comes in colors

    She comes in colors ev'rywhere;
    She combs her hair
    She's like a rainbow
    Coming, colors in the air
    Oh, everywhere
    She comes in colors

    Have you seen her dressed in blue?
    See the sky in front of you
    And her face is lik a sail
    Speck of white so fair and pale
    Have you seen a lady fairer?

    She comes in colors ev'rywhere;
    She combs her hair
    She's like a rainbow
    Coming, colors in the air
    Oh, everywhere
    She comes in colors

    Have you seen her all in gold?
    Like a queen in days of old
    She shoots her colors all around
    Like a sunset going down
    Have you seen a lady fairer?

    She comes in colors ev'rywhere;
    She combs her hair
    She's like a rainbow
    Coming, colors in the air
    Oh, everywhere
    She comes in colors

    She's like a rainbow
    Coming, colors in the air
    Oh, everywhere
    She comes in colors

  2. #2
    Sempre più FdT
    Iscrizione: 1/4/2005
    Messaggi: 3,368
    Piaciuto: 2 volte


    Molto carina..

  3. #3
    Uomo 37 anni da Bergamo
    Iscrizione: 14/7/2008
    Messaggi: 1,903
    Piaciuto: 0 volte


    E' una canzone semplicemente fantastica

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