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Feeder - Just the way I'm feeling

  1. #1
    Utente cancellato

    Predefinito Feeder - Just the way I'm feeling

    Love in, love out, find the feeling
    Scream in, scream out, time for healing
    You feel the moments gone too soon,
    You're watching clouds come over you.

    Torn in two,
    You close your eyes for some place new,
    Torn in two

    And I feel it's going down,
    Ten feet below the ground,
    I'm waiting for your healing hand,
    One touch could bring me round,
    I feel we're going down,
    Ten feet below the ground,
    It's just the way I'm feeling

    Glow in, burn out,
    Lost the feeling
    Bruise in, you bruise out,
    Nurse the bleeding

    Torn in two,
    Each time we bruise

    it's just the way I'm feeling

    Two different views,
    As words confuse and break
    I can't get out,
    There's no way out of here,
    I can't get clear.

    Love in, love out
    Find the feeling.

    it's just the way I'm feeling.

  2. #2
    Lady Stardust
    Donna 43 anni
    Iscrizione: 29/9/2004
    Messaggi: 11,666
    Piaciuto: 35 volte


    Stupenda :smt007

  3. #3
    Pippo Baudo Crew jejecb
    Uomo 38 anni da Roma
    Iscrizione: 22/6/2007
    Messaggi: 6,764
    Piaciuto: 68 volte


    bellissima questa canzone,come tante altre dei feeder...

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