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Sick Puppies - All the same

  1. #1
    Sempre più FdT
    Uomo 39 anni da Bologna
    Iscrizione: 19/1/2007
    Messaggi: 3,137
    Piaciuto: 0 volte

    Predefinito Sick Puppies - All the same

    I dont care where you come from
    As long as you come to me
    But I dont like illusions I cant see
    Them clearly
    I dont care no I wouldnt dare
    To fix the twist in you
    Youve shown me eventually what youll do.
    I dont mind
    I dont care
    As long as youre here

    Go ahead tell me youll leave again
    Youll just come back running
    Holding your scarred heart in hand
    And Ill take you for who you are
    If you take me for everything
    And do it all over again
    Its all the same

    Hours slide and days go by
    Till you decide to come
    And in between it always seems too long
    For certain
    But I have the skill yea I have the will
    To breathe you in while I can
    How ever long you stay is all that I am

    Black or white
    Wrong or right
    When I close my eyes its all the same
    In my life the compromise
    But when I close my eyes
    Its all the same

  2. #2
    Donna 38 anni da Milano
    Iscrizione: 5/5/2006
    Messaggi: 1,720
    Piaciuto: 1 volte


    bavo nom che posta le belle cose! :smt050

  3. #3
    FdT Star Chloe
    Iscrizione: 24/12/2006
    Messaggi: 22,810
    Piaciuto: 11 volte



  4. #4
    36 anni
    Iscrizione: 23/9/2005
    Messaggi: 35,505
    Piaciuto: 122 volte


    cribbio spezza a metà

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