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Dashboard Confessional - Stolen

  1. #1
    Donna 36 anni da Roma
    Iscrizione: 14/1/2006
    Messaggi: 15,231
    Piaciuto: 75 volte

    Predefinito Dashboard Confessional - Stolen

    We watched the season pull up its own stage
    And catch the last weekend of the last week.
    Before the gold and the glamour have been replaced
    Another sun-soaked season fades away.

    You have stolen my heart.
    You have stolen my heart.

    Invitation, all in grand farewells, crushed the best one of the best ones.
    Clear liquor and cloudy eye, too early to save the night.

    You have stolen my heart.
    You have stolen my heart.

    And from the ballroom floor we are in celebration, one good stretch before our hibernation.
    Our dreams assured, and we all, we'll sleep well.

    Sleep well, sleep well, sleep well, sleep well.

    You have stolen my, you have stolen, you have stolen my heart.

    Watch it spin around to the highest peels, you are the best one of the best ones.
    We all look like we feel.

    You have stolen my, you have stolen my, you have stolen my heart.

  2. #2



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