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Rise Against - Like The Angels

  1. #1
    Donna 36 anni da Roma
    Iscrizione: 14/1/2006
    Messaggi: 15,231
    Piaciuto: 75 volte

    Predefinito Rise Against - Like The Angels

    they turn the lights down low,
    in shadows hiding from the world,
    only coming out when it gets cold

    the seas part when they hit the floor,
    the voices carry on and out the door
    and everything you touch turns into gold

    like the angel you are you laugh creating a lightness in my chest,
    your eyes they penetrate me,
    (your answer's always 'maybe')
    that's when I got up and left

    a beating heart and a microphone,
    a ticking clock in an empty home
    still tells of these times so long ago,
    and even though I've come so far, I know
    I've got so far to go and any day now I'll explode

    like the angel you are you laugh creating a lightness in my chest,
    your eyes they penetrate me,
    (your answer's always 'maybe')
    that's when I got up and left

    And each and everyday will lead into tomorrow
    and tomorrow brings one less day without you
    but don't wait up just leave the light on
    cause all the roads that I might take will all one day lead back to you

    And like the angel you are you laugh creating a lightness in my chest,
    your eyes they penetrate me,
    (never cease to amaze me)
    that's when I got up and left

  2. #2
    Lady Stardust
    Donna 43 anni
    Iscrizione: 29/9/2004
    Messaggi: 11,666
    Piaciuto: 35 volte


    Mi piace un sacco questa!

  3. #3
    FdT svezzato
    Uomo 36 anni da Salerno
    Iscrizione: 10/9/2005
    Messaggi: 109
    Piaciuto: 0 volte


    grandissimi i rise!!!! peccato nessuno apprezzi...

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