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Vanilla Sky - Broken car

  1. #1
    Matricola FdT
    Donna 35 anni da Roma
    Iscrizione: 24/8/2006
    Messaggi: 34
    Piaciuto: 0 volte

    Predefinito Vanilla Sky - Broken car

    qsta canzone ha delle parole stupende, mel'ha dedicata il mio migliore amico.
    DaDo tvtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttb!!!! m mankiiii!!!

    " Grey is the sky today, and so is my heart
    memories of a friendship that now seems so far
    chased dreams of past days, i was really fine..
    i never thought my best friends could ruin all this time.

    i told you 'bout my jealousy and what makes me feel sad
    don't you really understand why i feel so bad
    are you still the girl who smiling won the fight against the run down battery of my broken car...

    that's a song to say goodbye to a girl that i still love as a friend
    i hope she'll understand what i mean.

    Everything falls down (to the ground)
    evrything i hate (it happened)
    now i run away (it's over)

    the cd player is running . That is our song.
    it reminds me of a time gone, where now i don't belong
    this is my decision : we won't meet again
    that's the only way in which we can still be friends...

    please don't say anything! please don't say a word
    i want to run away instead of fighting against the world!
    i won't to take a step back, i won't look back no more
    just because i'm scared of how much i felt lost before...


  2. #2
    Rum e Cocaina Sally
    Donna 40 anni da Carbonia-Iglesias
    Iscrizione: 29/9/2004
    Messaggi: 21,047
    Piaciuto: 91 volte


    quando inserisci un testo metti nel titolo


    altrimenti si sballa tutta la lista

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