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Queen - Ogre battle

  1. #1
    FdT svezzato Luca Canetti
    Uomo 42 anni
    Iscrizione: 6/5/2012
    Messaggi: 258
    Piaciuto: 16 volte

    Predefinito Queen - Ogre battle

    Now once upon a time - an old man told me a fable
    When the piper is gone
    And the soup is cold in your table
    And if the black crow flies
    To find a new destination
    That is the sign
    Come tonight
    Come to the ogre sight
    Come to ogre-battle-fight

    He gives a great big cry
    And he can swallow up the ocean
    With a mighty tongue he catches flies -
    The palm of his hand incredible size
    One great big eye
    Has a focus in your direction
    Now the battle is on
    Yeah yeah yeah
    Come tonight -
    Come to the ogre sight
    Come to ogre-battle-fight

    The ogre-men are still inside
    The two-way mirror mountain
    Gotta keep down right out of sight
    You can't see in but they can see out
    "keep a look out"
    The ogre men are coming out
    From the two-way mirror mountain
    They're running up behind
    And they're coming all about
    Can't go east 'cos you gotta go south

    Ogre-men are going home
    And the great big fight is over
    Bugle blow let trumpet cry
    Ogre battle lives for evermore
    You can come along
    You can come along
    Come to ogre battle.

    Ultima modifica di Luca Canetti; 11/3/2013 alle 13:00 Motivo: Piccola imprecisione

  2. #2
    tossico quasi assuefatto Alprazolam
    Uomo 115 anni
    Iscrizione: 4/9/2009
    Messaggi: 581
    Piaciuto: 95 volte


    la dura battaglia tra il bene e il male, il bianco e il nero, the white queen and the black queen, in una parola: queen II

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