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Guano Apes - Lords Of The Boards

  1. #1
    Matricola FdT
    Donna 32 anni da Rimini
    Iscrizione: 2/2/2006
    Messaggi: 58
    Piaciuto: 0 volte

    Predefinito Guano Apes - Lords Of The Boards

    Lords Of The Boards

    I got the snowboard under my feet
    I can fly so high I can
    fall so deep.
    But who do I see comin' up the track?
    A little green man with his snowboard on his back.
    Singing: And now I'm flying like an angel
    to the sun.
    My feet are burning and I grab into another world.
    With the lords of the boards
    you'll come and get around
    With the lords of the boards, go mad like a clown
    I can stay behind him if I can.
    I wanna be a little more thanan "also-ran".
    Through every curve he's got me beat.
    And maybe's time that I accept defeat.

  2. #2
    Overdose da FdT Kim
    Donna 37 anni da Estero
    Iscrizione: 2/10/2004
    Messaggi: 6,527
    Piaciuto: 11 volte



  3. #3
    Matricola FdT
    Donna 32 anni da Rimini
    Iscrizione: 2/2/2006
    Messaggi: 58
    Piaciuto: 0 volte


    la adoro!!

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