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Pink Floyd - What do you want from me

  1. #1
    Overdose da FdT
    Uomo 37 anni da Milano
    Iscrizione: 27/12/2004
    Messaggi: 5,053
    Piaciuto: 9 volte

    Predefinito Pink Floyd - What do you want from me

    As you look around this room tonight
    Settle in your saet and dim the lichts
    Do you want my blood, do you want my tears
    What do you want
    What do you want from me
    Should I sing until I can't sing any more
    Play these strings until my fingers are raw
    You're so hard to please
    What do you want from me

    Do you think that I know something you don't know
    What do you want from me
    If I don't promise you the answers would you go
    What do you want from me
    Should I stand out in the rain
    Do you want me to take a daisy chain for you
    I'm not the one you need

    What do you want from me
    You can have anything you want
    You can drift, you can dream, even walk on water
    Anything you want

    You can own everything you see
    Sell your soul for complete control
    Is that really what you need

    You can lose yourself this night
    See inside there is nothing to hide
    Turn and face the light
    What do you want from me

  2. #2
    FdT svezzato
    Donna 36 anni
    Iscrizione: 13/8/2007
    Messaggi: 217
    Piaciuto: 1 volte



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