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Viking Metal

  1. #21
    Uomo 33 anni da Lecce
    Iscrizione: 2/12/2006
    Messaggi: 1,105
    Piaciuto: 1 volte


    ma anche il folk metal ha strumenti a fiato e melodie che sembrano quelle medievali
    secondo me questi generi sono un pò campati in aria
    Si è vero,sono generi che si assomigliano molto; ma ci sono delle sottilissime differenze spesso da notare nei testi o nelle melodie

  2. #22
    Overdose da FdT
    Uomo 32 anni da Lucca
    Iscrizione: 28/8/2007
    Messaggi: 8,109
    Piaciuto: 1 volte


    Quote Originariamente inviata da G.ross Visualizza il messaggio
    ma anche il folk metal ha strumenti a fiato e melodie che sembrano quelle medievali...
    secondo me questi generi sono un pò campati in aria.
    per una volta sono daccordo.. anche io lo dicevo a metal che il viking metal mi sembra un po' stupido come genere

  3. #23
    Overdose da FdT Yoda
    Uomo 30 anni da Trento
    Iscrizione: 13/9/2007
    Messaggi: 5,654
    Piaciuto: 3 volte


    Quote Originariamente inviata da RoxTheRocker Visualizza il messaggio
    (Tedesca? )
    è una storia lunga...

  4. #24
    Overdose da FdT
    Uomo 34 anni da Bergamo
    Iscrizione: 23/11/2005
    Messaggi: 5,062
    Piaciuto: 1 volte


    Quote Originariamente inviata da Yoda Visualizza il messaggio
    ma... nn sono viking... o sbaglio?
    Come no? Cazzarola sono quelli che lo hanno fatto partire

  5. #25
    FdT quasi assuefatto
    Uomo 32 anni da Verona
    Iscrizione: 16/1/2008
    Messaggi: 318
    Piaciuto: 0 volte


    Quote Originariamente inviata da Silent Enigma Visualizza il messaggio
    Come no? Cazzarola sono quelli che lo hanno fatto partire
    Anche se caratterizzati da sonorità Thrash (di cui non vado cosi matto).. sono decisamente uno dei gruppo che amo di più.. Grazie al genio di Quorthon, ora esiste il Viking Metal..

  6. #26
    Killing loneliness... learch
    Uomo 37 anni da Venezia
    Iscrizione: 26/9/2006
    Messaggi: 20,767
    Piaciuto: 363 volte


    belle entrambe!

  7. #27
    Overdose da FdT
    Uomo 32 anni da Pordenone
    Iscrizione: 10/2/2007
    Messaggi: 5,893
    Piaciuto: 1 volte


    è abbastanza ridicolo

  8. #28
    FdT quasi assuefatto
    Uomo 32 anni da Verona
    Iscrizione: 16/1/2008
    Messaggi: 318
    Piaciuto: 0 volte


    Questi sono i Bathory..

    Un Must:

    YouTube - Bathory-Ring Of Gold,

    Silver, the moon high over pond of water calm and dark
    Woe, mist, the breath of the dragon, sweeping down mountain side
    All still, the day asleep, the sun rests in nest of the Gods
    Afar high adventures await me, I hear my brothers calling

    Spring is here and the ice breaks free
    The endless sky and open sea
    I will sail where the Raven will lead me
    Fly on black wings, high and free
    I shall return with the wind the day
    From high adventures, swelling sail
    Autumn red comes to Asa bay

    Meet me by the well where the water, crystal clear, flows free
    From deep within the great mountain towering to the sky
    I will be awaiting you coming down treading the trails of clues
    Bare feet, let your hair down like the mist across the pond

    In dawn of time, before gods and man
    When earth and sky was first divided
    A star did fall into river deep
    A star of gold into silvery water
    While I sail, by this you shall remember me
    Wear it, yours forever to deep
    To bind us beyond end of time, to thee I give a ring of gold

    YouTube - Bathory - Flash Of The Silverhammer

    Storm clouds are forming : darkening the sky
    the wind gather speed up the mountains
    along the horizon : lightning strikes
    then the deafening rumble of thunder

    Rain beat against my face
    quench the thirst of mother earth
    the wind in my hair
    behold the flash of the silver hammer

    Shadows across the land : all clad in grey
    the waves raging wild along the shoreline
    cutting through black clouds : a finger of fire
    bonding the earth with the heavens

    Mighty : the wind of storm
    forks of lightning lacerates dark sky
    from within : the clouds : ablaze
    by the flash of the silver hammer


    In great numbers we advance before dawn
    By the great hail this great fight is born
    Among the clouds now our black wings fills the air
    No more frontlines the holy battle is everywhere

    Though death may await me on the battlefield
    I die to go on but by the great hail I will go,
    I am marching under the runes

    Countless victories we fight side by side
    Deep down in the oceans on land and way up in the sky
    Comed this far now there is no way back or return
    If we do withdraw the horizon will seem to burn

    Though death now is closing in on me
    I die to go on but by the great hail I will go,
    I am fighting under the runes

    Standing here now amidst the hell we have made
    All signs of a wonder or to survive now seems to fade
    But I am a fighter and I still have my pride
    They are gonna have to kill, by my own hand I refuse to die

    Though now death is all that awaits me
    I die to go on but by the great hail I will go
    I am dying under the runes

    YouTube - Bathory- To enter your mountain

    Blind fools who see only what they tell you to
    Open up your eyes you might see it too
    See there is a lot to see within you too
    Don't be like the rest and let them take it from you

    Dumb fools who say only what they tell you to
    Speak up and find that there is more truth within you than you knew
    Somewhere someday you will stand before it too

    Trust me there is a never ending mountainside to climb for you too
    To enter your mountain
    Go into your mountainside
    To enter one's mountainside
    Will take its man

    Who enters his mountain
    With or without sword in hand
    Who enters his mountainside
    He will learn
    Deaf fools who hear only what they tell you to
    Open up your ears you might hear it too
    Listen there is a wild storm within you too
    Burst out use its powers don't be a...

    Damn fool how can you follow paths not made by nor for you
    The only way you will ever need to walk is right there for you
    Somewhere someday you will stand before it too
    Trust me there is a never ending mountainside to climb for you too

    To enter your mountain
    Go into your mountainside
    To enter one's mountainside
    Will take its man

    Who enters his mountain
    With or without sword in hand
    Who enters his mountainside
    He will learn

    [He who enter...]
    He who enters his mountain
    He who enters his mountain
    He who enters his mountain
    He who enters his mountain
    [He who enters his mountain
    He who enters his mountain
    He who enters his mountain
    Into one's mountainside]

  9. #29
    FdT quasi assuefatto
    Uomo 32 anni da Verona
    Iscrizione: 16/1/2008
    Messaggi: 318
    Piaciuto: 0 volte


    Che ne pensate?^^

  10. #30
    Killing loneliness... learch
    Uomo 37 anni da Venezia
    Iscrizione: 26/9/2006
    Messaggi: 20,767
    Piaciuto: 363 volte


    no nn mi piacciono qst!

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