Pignoise y Melendi
"Estoy enfermo"
Pignoise y Melendi
"Estoy enfermo"
Billie Myers - Kiss the Rain
Sì lo so, oggi si va di canzoni così...
Ultima modifica di Marco™; 23/5/2010 alle 19:26
Karma police - Radiohead
Phoenix - Too young
interpol - obstacle 1
basta... devo disintossicarmi da questa canzone ...
"it's different now that I'm poor and aging and I'll never see this face again / and you go stabbing yourself in the neck...
...and we can find new ways of living, make playing only logical harm...
it's in the way that she walks
her heaven is never enough
she puts the weights into my heart"
Difficile dire se il mondo in cui viviamo sia una realtà o un sogno.
Foo Fighters - Walking after you
Bob Marley - Buffalo Soldier