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Lost nelle canzoni

  1. #1
    Assuefatto da FdT
    Donna 35 anni
    Iscrizione: 20/3/2006
    Messaggi: 934
    Piaciuto: 0 volte

    Predefinito Lost nelle canzoni

    non so se sia il posto giusto per postare...cmq
    questa mattina mi è venuta la fissa di cercare ogni canzone ke contenga "lost"

    per ora ho trovato queste:

    I Caught Fire - The Used

    " In your eyes
    I lost my place
    Could stay a while "

    Cut Up Angel - the used

    " In your eyes
    I lost my place
    Could stay a while "

    Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd

    "How I wish, how I wish you were here.
    We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl,
    year after year,
    running over the same old ground. What have we found?
    The same old fears,
    wish you were here."

    I'm Lost Without You - Blink 182

    "Are you afraid of being alone
    Cause I am, I'm lost without you
    Are you afraid of leaving tonight
    Cause I am, I'm lost without you "

    voi ne sapete altre?

  2. #2
    Matricola FdT
    Uomo 37 anni
    Iscrizione: 26/5/2006
    Messaggi: 22
    Piaciuto: 0 volte


    Iron Maiden-The dream of Mirrors
    "Lost in a dream of mirrors lost in a paradox"

  3. #3
    Overdose da FdT
    Uomo 36 anni
    Iscrizione: 5/2/2006
    Messaggi: 5,051
    Piaciuto: 2 volte


    The Cure - Lost

    Tra l'altro la canzone migliore del loro ultimo album..

    I can't find myself
    I can't find myself
    I can't find myself
    I can't find myself
    In the head of this stranger in love

    Holding on given up
    To another under faded setting sun
    And I wonder where I am...
    Could she run away with him?
    So happy and so young
    And I stare
    As I sing in the lost voice of a stranger in love
    Out of time letting go

    In another world that spins around for fun
    And I wonder where I am...
    Could he ever ask her why?
    So happy and so young...
    And I stare... But...
    I can't find myself
    I can't find myself
    I can't find myself
    I can't find myself
    In the heart of this stranger in love
    Holding on given up
    To this other under faded setting sun
    And I'm not sure where I am...
    Would he really turn away?
    So happy and so young...
    And I stare...
    As I play out the passion of a stranger in love
    Letting go of the time
    In this other world that spins around for one
    And I'm not sure where I am...
    Would she know it was a lie?
    So happy and so young...
    And I stare... But...
    I can't find myself
    I can't find myself
    I can't find myself
    I can't find myself
    In the soul of this stranger in love
    No control over one
    To the other under faded setting sun
    And I don't know where I am...
    Should he beg her to forgive?
    So happy and so young...
    And I stare...
    As I live out the story of a stranger in love
    Waking up going on
    In the other world that spins around undone
    And I don't know where I am...
    Should she really say goodbye?
    So happy and so young
    And I stare... But...
    I can't find myself
    I can't find myself
    I can't find myself
    I can't find myself
    I got lost in someone else.

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