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I want learn

  1. #1
    Vivo su FdT
    Uomo 36 anni
    Iscrizione: 29/9/2004
    Messaggi: 4,778
    Piaciuto: 6 volte

    Predefinito I want learn

    When i was in my bed
    to thing to many thoughts
    lovin' you with strengh
    i want hug you forever
    you without thoughts
    only your smile

    I want learn your smile
    i want learn to live without thoughts
    i want love without time
    i want learn from you
    i want understand your thoughts
    i want learn to love you

    tonight you hug me
    in a never-ending love
    you comin' in my bed
    you have read to my eyes
    that loves you more this night
    i want give you my thanks

    I want learn your smile
    i want learn to live without thoughts
    i want love without time
    i want learn from you
    i want understand your thoughts
    i want learn to love you

    you raise me in the sky
    in your heaven
    you raise me in this night
    in your heart
    dancing in a clouds
    i don't wish no more

    I want remember your smile
    i want remember to live without thoughts
    i want remember to love without time
    i want remember from you
    i want remember how understand your thoughts
    i want remember to love you

  2. #2
    Overdose da FdT
    Uomo 37 anni da Milano
    Iscrizione: 27/12/2004
    Messaggi: 5,053
    Piaciuto: 9 volte


    ma....nn si dice i want TO learn, i want TO remember?

  3. #3
    Sempre più FdT
    Uomo 32 anni da Estero
    Iscrizione: 19/3/2006
    Messaggi: 3,072
    Piaciuto: 0 volte


    oddio..agghiacciante XD XD XD
    quanti erroriiiiiiiiiiiiiii hahahahahahhahaha

  4. #4
    Vivo su FdT
    Uomo 36 anni
    Iscrizione: 29/9/2004
    Messaggi: 4,778
    Piaciuto: 6 volte


    Quote Originariamente inviata da Robbiee
    oddio..agghiacciante XD XD XD
    quanti erroriiiiiiiiiiiiiii hahahahahahhahaha
    Lo so ma se me li correggessi mi fai un favore!